USDA’s new Food Portion Plate is a great way for busy families to eat a more balanced meal.  Your family will enjoy all the many recipes available on
Always remember to have bright colors in your fruits and vegetables to have your family coming back for seconds.
Today, USDA requirement for the final internal temperature of  145 degrees.  Always use a meat thermometer for restaurant quality meals.
 So…step up today to a healthier you.  Wondering how to start?  Let us help you.  Click here to better understand the plate

Cooking Times and TemperaturesPork today is very lean and shouldn’t be overcooked. The best test of doneness is to use an instant-read meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of your pork. Use this chart as a guideline for cooking times. Click here for more information and the complete chart.

Click here for information on Buying, Handling & Storing Pork

Pork Today is much leaner and healthier than pork from 50 years ago.  Pigs are raised indoors to protect them from predators and diseases and are fed formulated pellets to grow healthier.  You as the consumer can be assured that the pork today is cleaner, leaner and healthier that pork from your grandparents generation.

Today’s Pork Tenderloin is leaner than a boneless, skinless chicken breast.  Click here to visit to find over 1,700 recipes on pork tenderloin and all the other delicious cuts of pork.

There are so many options when it comes to selecting a cut to prepare for your next meal. We’ve gathered information about pork’s most popular cuts in the meat case so you can learn more and feel confident in preparing your pork.


Daily Values are listed on food labels. They tell us how much of various nutrients we should consume each day. The following information is based on a 3-ounce serving of pork. As you can see, these key nutrients make pork a nutrient-dense food!

Nutrient % Daily Value (DV)* Why It’s Good For You
Iron 5% Getting enough iron is a problem for some women, especially women of child-bearing age. Heme iron (found in meat) is absorbed more readily than nonheme iron (found in plant-based foods). Thus, anyone who avoids meat without the help of their health professional may increase their risk of iron-deficiency anemia.
Magnesium 6% Important for the normal function of many enzymes (catalysts for the body’s chemical reactors), glucose and muscle action.
Phosphorous 20% Strengthens bones and generates energy in cells.
Potassium 11% This mineral, also known as an electrolyte, plays a major role in water balance and helps maintain normal blood pressure.
Zinc 14% A component of more than 70 enzymes, zinc is a key player in energy metabolism and the immune system.
Thiamin 54% Without this key vitamin, metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat would be significantly compromised. Animal protein is one of the best sources of this nutrient, and among the choices, pork is tops.
Riboflavin 19% Next to milk, there are few foods that have as much riboflavin per serving as pork. Riboflavin has an important role in the release of energy from foods.
Niacin 37% Important for the normal function of many enzymes in the body and involved in the metabolism of sugars and fatty acids.
Vitamin B12 8% Helps build red blood cells and metabolize carbohydrates and fats.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 37% Important for the normal function of enzymes and co-enzymes, which are needed to metabolize protein, carbohydrates and fats. Plus, it plays a critical role in the regulation of glycogen (stored carbohydrates) metabolism.

*Based on 2,000 calorie meal plan.