Sponsorship and Donation Applications

The aim of our sponsorship involvement in many Utah organizations is to encourage excellence, in much the same way that we aim to set an example of our business in the Pork Industry as the Utah Pork Producers Association. All of our sponsorships / donations support events that the Pork Producers are proud to be associated with.
The Utah Pork Producers Association receives many requests for sponsorships each year. To create an opportunity for all interested candidates as well as budgetary restrictions, we have adopted a sponsorship application and process for consideration. We are happy to consider future sponsorship proposals which meet our criteria. These criteria help us fulfill our commitment to excellence.

Sponsorship Criteria:

The sponsorship/donation proposal must reflect:

  • Clearly an organization involved with promoting agriculture and the value –added benefits of the Pork Industry.
  • The goal of the sponsorship / donation is to promote pork education or consumer awareness
  • Demonstrate how the sponsorship / donation reflects the We Care Principles and how the sponsorship/donation relates to the pork industry
    o Producing safe and nutritious food
    o Protecting the well-being of the animals
    o Providing a safe workplace
    o Making our community a better place
    o Safeguarding our environment and the land that we live on
  • How will the Pork Industry be recognized verbally and visually
  • How can the Utah Pork Producers and the pork industry measure a return on investment with your sponsorship

To help us evaluate the large number of sponsorship/donation requests that we receive, applications should also include the following information:

  • Exact details of the sponsorship and/or donation that your organization is requesting
  • Key details of the event
  • Dates and timing of the event
  • Overview of your marketing plan – including what is and is not confirmed
  • List of sponsors who have committed to date
  • A comprehensive list of benefits, including how they relate to our core business
  • Timeline, including important deadlines
  • Credentials or your organizations
  • Contact details – including name, phone number and address


We will consider proposals in all categories except:

  • Individuals, as it is not possible to support on an equitable basis
  • Any event involving discrimination
  • Any event entailing risk or danger
  • Events performed outside Utah
  • Any political or religious event

General Considerations:

We generally need 3 months lead time
Logo exposure is a plus

Process for Consideration:

All proposals are reviewed by Utah Pork Producers Association at monthly meetings
Applicant will be notified in writing or email of the outcome of their proposal application (please allow three weeks minimum for this process.)To submit a Sponsorship / Donation Application:
Please send your written sponsorship/proposal to:
Utah Pork Producers Association

Any questions can also be directed to: